Teen Depression – Do You Know the Signs?

Depression and anxiety are becoming  common words in the vocabulary of many families.  With the current stressors of school, peer pressure, family, money, social media and technology, it is no wonder why todays teens are suffering more with depression and anxiety than ever before.  Teenage behavior is so up and down as it is, that depression … More Teen Depression – Do You Know the Signs?

4 Steps to Tame the Ego/False Self and The Lies It Tells Us

We have this false self, or “Ego” as some call it, dwelling inside of us. It is that voice that tells us to give up, that we can’t accomplish something, that we don’t deserve to be successful, or that we are fat. We all have one; it is the voice that keeps us from reaching … More 4 Steps to Tame the Ego/False Self and The Lies It Tells Us